Friday, 27 March 2015


Lovers of outdoors stuff and all things muddy... This is especially made and posted for you.!

It is an off road 4×4 event held close to Nairobi to raise money for car 45’s entry into the Rhino Charge.

WHEN: Sunday, March 29th 2015
WHERE: Lukenya  Hills, Athi River

Time: From 10.00 a.m.

The 4×4 Stages will include:- Quarry Rally Mud Madness Reversing & Blindfold Water Eruption And much more.

Other activities on the Ranch will be: Fishing on the Dam Demonstration Events Game drives in an 85 year old Ford “A” Food Court & Bar.

CHARGES:- Ksh. 500/= per person


Okay, Davido fans... Hoyeeeee! :-D *Scream louder, I can't hear y'alls*

Yaaaas, this Nigerian superstar is heading eastways to our very own Nairobi. When, you ask??

WHEN: Saturday, 28th March, 2015
WHERE: Carnivore  Grounds, Lang'ata

Time: 6.00 p.m. - Mpaka Chee! (6.00 a.m)

The company (Ranee Productions) that most recently brought us comedian Russell Peters is bringing the "Aye" crooner to Nairobi according to a post on their Facebook page and a tweet by Davido himself.

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